Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Urgot (A.K.A. Mr. Garbage)

          Urgot is an adc, with a good combo of abilities. If you his an enemy with his AOE you can use his Q (Acid Hunter) to target the enemies that have been hit. This is good for attacking when the enemies are sitting   AT the turret. You don't need to dive for a kill. To use his ult well, I would bait the main damage dealer on the enemy team, and switch spots with them. This can use the turrets to your advantage, or your own teammates in a bush. Anyways, for a good Urgot build I would go with Berserkers Greaves, Bloodthirster, Runnan's Hurricane, Statikk Shiv, a second Bloodthirster, and an Infinity Edge. If the enemy isn't building very much health but they have a lot of armor, I would trade the the second bloodthirster out for a Blade of the Ruined King. The passive will help you melt through their armor, and the active is good for saving yourself and dealing a ton of damage. 

His even grosser skin, Butcher Urgot

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lissandra, The Ice Bitch

          I just played lissandra for the first time, and she is SO OVERPOWERED. All of her moves have crowd control effects. It's ridiculous. Anyways, for her build get Sorc Shoes, Archangels Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Abyssal Scepter. This Build will give you a ton of damage and still have a lot of defense. If you want, trade out sorc shoes for Zhonya's Hourglass late game.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rammus, The Greatest Tank Ever

          Rammus is a tank with a really unique passive. It lets him convert a percentage of his armor into attack damage, so you want to focus on building armor. This of course depends on how the enemy team is built. If the AP toons are fed and doing a lot of damage, build magic resist and health. Otherwise, build Ninja Tabi, Thornmail, Sunfire Cape, Warmog's Armor, Spirit Visage, and Guardian Angel. Like I said, if you get into trouble against ap, rush Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel. Use this build to absolutely demolish anyone attacking you.


Chrome Shell Rammus

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


          Darius is a top lane bruiser, and he is notorious for kill stealing and also being insanely overpowered. Building bruisers is very easy, but you have to do it according to the enemy team. With Darius, Ravenous Hydra is a must have. If you don't have enough lifesteal, you could get a Bloodthirster. You could also get an Infinity Edge for when you want to be able to crit. Since Darius is a bruiser, You are generally going to want to get 2 defensive items. I would get 1 armor/health item (Randuin's Omen), and if there is more than 1 ap character on the enemy team, get spirit visage as well. Find out who is dealing the most damage to decide on what boots to get.

Bioforge Darius

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Miss Fortune, The Bounty Hunter

          Miss Fortune is probably my second favorite carry. She has this habit of flirting with the summoner (You) quite a bit. Her ult has a lot of killing power, especially in a teamfight with everyone else's health getting low. She has a passive AP damage bonus, but for some reason she still can't be ap carried. I think her ap scaling got nerfed. Anyways, the build starts out with the doran's blade in the beginning. Then the vampiric scepter, Berserker's Greaves, The Bloodthirster, Zeal, Phantom Dancer, Blade of the Ruined King, Phage, Infinity Edge, Frozen Mallet. If you keep almost getting kills but they get away, you may want to rush Frozen Mallet. It has a slowing passive that helps in a chase. Miss Fortune does a lot of damage late game, but is very squishy. Never try to clean up more than 2 kills if you are the only one left, even if they have low health. As always, GL and HF.

Miss Fortune

Mafia Miss Fortune

Thursday, April 18, 2013


          I tried out Karthus today, and he is pretty good. He doesn't really have much killing power if you are against someone with better range, but his ult really helps the whole team. Now start with Crystalline flask and 3 pots for lane sustain. Buy Sorcerer's shoes, Hextech Revolver, and Tear of the Goddess next. If you want you don't have to buy the Hextech Revolver, as you will be selling it later. I like it because of the spell vamp however. Karthus's Q is like a basic attack, too, so you will be healing a lot from that. Then buy Archangle's Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Deathfire Grasp. Like I said, he doesn't have too much killing power until his build is pretty far along, so you are going to have to stay alive the whole time. If you die you will lose the edge that you need later in the game.


Grim Reaper Karthus

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Maokai, the... Uh... Tree guy maybe?

          Sorry about the title, I don't know his tagline. Anyways, Maokai is a Tank/AP bruiser that can go top lane or mid. He can also jungle. This build however is not for jungling! You can start by grabbing a crystalline flask and 3 pots. Buy in this order, it is the best. Mercury's Treads, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage, Warmog's Armor, Frozen Heart, Banshee's veil. If they are punishing you with AP you can rush Banshee's Veil, but other than that, this is a good order. I will TRY to start doing jungle builds, but I need to practice jungling for a while first.


This is my favorite skin for Maokai, Charred Maokai.