Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Build for the AP Teemo

          The build for VI did not turn out well. There isn't enough attack speed to make a difference, and to make it so there is, I would need to sacrifice too much attack damage.
          On a lighter note, I thought I would post my ultimate AP carry Teemo build. It is literally the best build I have ever used for him, even the ones online. Make sure if you use this that you get it in this order. It consists of Berserker's Greaves, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, Runaan's Hurricane, Liandry's Torment, and Rabadon's deathcap. This should leave you with about 2.35 attack speed and 300 ability power. Teemo's movement speed is really fast too, so don't be afraid to poke a TON. The only thing you shouldn't do with Teemo is dive, because if you do that, turrets will kill you in about 2 seconds flat. Teemo is really good late game to kill the dragon, AND Baron Nashor. You can solo the dragon, and ruin Baron with about 1 other person. GL and HF.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vi's AD Carry Build

         Vi is an AD character, and she has an awesome passive attack ability. Basically, every 3 hit does a percentage of the target's health in damage and it has an armor break. The percentage dealt is also increased based on how much AD she has. Because this is based on the fact that she has to hit the target 3 consecutive times, she would need a lot of AS. For this build, I would get Berserker's Greaves, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Ravenous Hydra, Statikk Shiv, Randuin's Omen. This build may be weak on attack speed, but I will find out later this week.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Follow Up on My Life Steal Build

          My build ended up going really well. I used Katarina as I said I would, and it went perfectly. I did replace Bilgewater Cutlas with Wriggle's Lantern because it has better stats for less money. Because it is cheap, it also makes an amazing early game item. If the game drags on and you have a lot of money, I would recommend selling Wriggle's Lantern and replacing it with Zhonya's hourglass. With a little tweaking, this build would also work for a character like Teemo or Ashe. For Teemo, you would have to get rid of the AD based life steal weapons, and replace it with attack speed items. Using this method, you create an AP carry life steal build for him. For Ashe, you must do the opposite. Junk the AP weapons and replace them with more AD weapons. It is always good to have a Phantom Dancer as well.

Sidenote: Ravenous Hydra is a melee only item. This will free up space in the Teemo/Ashe builds.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life Steal Build

          So, I had an idea while in school today. What if I could make a build that had so much life steal, your champion was almost self sustaining when fighting. That would be amazing! The problem is finding the perfect champion, and the perfect items. In theory, it should work with Katarina the best. You see, most life steal items also come with bonuses to AD and AP but most champions only have either AP or AD. Kat has both, making her the ideal champion. The items would be Bilgewater Cutlass, Blade of the Ruined King, Hextech Gunblade, Ravenous Hydra, and The Bloodthirster. The 6th item would be Sorcerer's Shoes, because a bonus to movement speed is necessary for Katarina. I'm going to try out this build tomorrow and report my findings on Thursday.