His even grosser skin, Butcher Urgot
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Urgot (A.K.A. Mr. Garbage)
Urgot is an adc, with a good combo of abilities. If you his an enemy with his AOE you can use his Q (Acid Hunter) to target the enemies that have been hit. This is good for attacking when the enemies are sitting AT the turret. You don't need to dive for a kill. To use his ult well, I would bait the main damage dealer on the enemy team, and switch spots with them. This can use the turrets to your advantage, or your own teammates in a bush. Anyways, for a good Urgot build I would go with Berserkers Greaves, Bloodthirster, Runnan's Hurricane, Statikk Shiv, a second Bloodthirster, and an Infinity Edge. If the enemy isn't building very much health but they have a lot of armor, I would trade the the second bloodthirster out for a Blade of the Ruined King. The passive will help you melt through their armor, and the active is good for saving yourself and dealing a ton of damage.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Lissandra, The Ice Bitch
I just played lissandra for the first time, and she is SO OVERPOWERED. All of her moves have crowd control effects. It's ridiculous. Anyways, for her build get Sorc Shoes, Archangels Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Abyssal Scepter. This Build will give you a ton of damage and still have a lot of defense. If you want, trade out sorc shoes for Zhonya's Hourglass late game.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Rammus, The Greatest Tank Ever
Rammus is a tank with a really unique passive. It lets him convert a percentage of his armor into attack damage, so you want to focus on building armor. This of course depends on how the enemy team is built. If the AP toons are fed and doing a lot of damage, build magic resist and health. Otherwise, build Ninja Tabi, Thornmail, Sunfire Cape, Warmog's Armor, Spirit Visage, and Guardian Angel. Like I said, if you get into trouble against ap, rush Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel. Use this build to absolutely demolish anyone attacking you.
Chrome Shell Rammus
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Darius is a top lane bruiser, and he is notorious for kill stealing and also being insanely overpowered. Building bruisers is very easy, but you have to do it according to the enemy team. With Darius, Ravenous Hydra is a must have. If you don't have enough lifesteal, you could get a Bloodthirster. You could also get an Infinity Edge for when you want to be able to crit. Since Darius is a bruiser, You are generally going to want to get 2 defensive items. I would get 1 armor/health item (Randuin's Omen), and if there is more than 1 ap character on the enemy team, get spirit visage as well. Find out who is dealing the most damage to decide on what boots to get.
Bioforge Darius
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Miss Fortune, The Bounty Hunter
Miss Fortune is probably my second favorite carry. She has this habit of flirting with the summoner (You) quite a bit. Her ult has a lot of killing power, especially in a teamfight with everyone else's health getting low. She has a passive AP damage bonus, but for some reason she still can't be ap carried. I think her ap scaling got nerfed. Anyways, the build starts out with the doran's blade in the beginning. Then the vampiric scepter, Berserker's Greaves, The Bloodthirster, Zeal, Phantom Dancer, Blade of the Ruined King, Phage, Infinity Edge, Frozen Mallet. If you keep almost getting kills but they get away, you may want to rush Frozen Mallet. It has a slowing passive that helps in a chase. Miss Fortune does a lot of damage late game, but is very squishy. Never try to clean up more than 2 kills if you are the only one left, even if they have low health. As always, GL and HF.
Miss Fortune
Mafia Miss Fortune
Thursday, April 18, 2013
I tried out Karthus today, and he is pretty good. He doesn't really have much killing power if you are against someone with better range, but his ult really helps the whole team. Now start with Crystalline flask and 3 pots for lane sustain. Buy Sorcerer's shoes, Hextech Revolver, and Tear of the Goddess next. If you want you don't have to buy the Hextech Revolver, as you will be selling it later. I like it because of the spell vamp however. Karthus's Q is like a basic attack, too, so you will be healing a lot from that. Then buy Archangle's Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Deathfire Grasp. Like I said, he doesn't have too much killing power until his build is pretty far along, so you are going to have to stay alive the whole time. If you die you will lose the edge that you need later in the game.
Grim Reaper Karthus
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Maokai, the... Uh... Tree guy maybe?
Sorry about the title, I don't know his tagline. Anyways, Maokai is a Tank/AP bruiser that can go top lane or mid. He can also jungle. This build however is not for jungling! You can start by grabbing a crystalline flask and 3 pots. Buy in this order, it is the best. Mercury's Treads, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage, Warmog's Armor, Frozen Heart, Banshee's veil. If they are punishing you with AP you can rush Banshee's Veil, but other than that, this is a good order. I will TRY to start doing jungle builds, but I need to practice jungling for a while first.
This is my favorite skin for Maokai, Charred Maokai.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
AP Tank Leona
This build is going to be for an AP tank Leona. Leona is a tank with AP scaling for her abilities. Her scaling is actually really good, and she also has 2 stuns to go with it. If you combine AP/defensive items with one really good defensive item, you can have a lot of damage output and still be in the middle of a teamfight soaking up damage. The build can be bought in any order you see fit, but I buy in this order: Mercury Treads, Zhonya's Hourglass, Iceborn Gauntlet, Athene's Unholy Grail, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Randuin's Omen. I like it in this order because I get my armor on first, and usually I am going up against bruisers on Top.
Leona's skin, Iron Solari
Monday, April 8, 2013
Veigar, The Tiny Master of Evil
This is going to be a short post, but this is my build for Veigar. Veigar is a mid mage, with a lot of damage output. The only problem is that you can see his main ability coming a mile away. To counter this, throw out your E stun and then use your dark matter and baleful strike to do a TON of damage. The build is as followed. Buy Crystalline Flask and 3 pots instead of Boots of Speed and pots. Then get Athene's Grail, Chain Vest, Abyssal Scepter, Sorcerer's Shoes, Deathfire Grasp, Rabadon's Deathcap, and Zhonya's hourglass. When you are deep into a game with extra money, sell your boots for a Void Staff. That is all for Veigar's build. I tried this and had around 700 AP.
Veigar in his classic skin
Veigar's Leprechaun Skin
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Lifesteal Build Re-vamped
So a few months ago I tried out a lifesteal build for Katarina, and it worked really well. The only problem is that they nerfed Katarina's AD scaling, so she is underpowered unless you use AP now. This lifesteal build is for Tryndamere, a melee AD carry. I would get, IN THIS ORDER, Berserker's Greaves, Ravenous Hydra, The Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Blade of the Ruined King, and Randuin's omen. You could switch it out for a second Bloodthirster if you have enough attack speed but want more lifesteal and damage. The Randuin's Omen is for people who like having more resistance to burst characters, but if they don't have any, just switch it for one of the 3 exchangeable items. You will have less armor and health, but you will deal WAY more damage. If you get really far into the game and have a TON of unusable gold, sell your Greaves for a second Bloodthirster. You will do even more damage, and the passive stacks.
This build can be used for any melee AD carry. I made sure.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Kha' Zix, the Voidreaver
Kha'zix is an AD bruiser that can go mid, top, bot, AND jungle. This makes him very versatile. Kha'zix's abilities are a claw attack for Q, a ranged skill shot for W, A jump attack for E, and a stealthed movement speed bonus in which he does extra damage (+ even more bonus damage to isolated targets). His abilities use mostly AD scaling and have a unique way of leveling up. Every point he puts into his ultimate, he can evolve 1 ability. If he chooses to evolve claws, his Q ups damage dealt to isolated targets. If he chooses to evolve spike racks, his W shoots in 3 lines instead of 1, and heals him if he is within the explosion radius. If he chooses to evolve wings, his E makes him jump much farther and does more damage. If he chooses to evolve camoflauge, his ult makes him stay stealthed for longer and he can use it a 3rd time. There are only 3 ults, so you cannot evolve all of them. I would recommend evolving spike racks 1st every time, while the other 2 are left up to your best judgement.
For a nice bruiser build I would recommend using the Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads (Depending on whether the enemies are AD or AP heavy), Bloodthirster, Ravenous Hydra, Atma Impaler, Mercurial Scimitar, and a Sunfire Cape. You can trade out the Atma Impaler or the Mercurial Scimitar for an Infinity Edge if the enemy is AP or AD heavy. On Thursday I would like to try out and publish an ADC build for Kha'zix. I will tell you if it worked or not. For now, here are some pictures of Kha'zix.
For a nice bruiser build I would recommend using the Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads (Depending on whether the enemies are AD or AP heavy), Bloodthirster, Ravenous Hydra, Atma Impaler, Mercurial Scimitar, and a Sunfire Cape. You can trade out the Atma Impaler or the Mercurial Scimitar for an Infinity Edge if the enemy is AP or AD heavy. On Thursday I would like to try out and publish an ADC build for Kha'zix. I will tell you if it worked or not. For now, here are some pictures of Kha'zix.
This is Kha'zix's only skin, Mecha Kha'zix.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Quinn Build
So, the new character Quinn is another AD carry, and there aren't many builds out there. Luckily, I am the greatest at item builds and can help you out! It is a fairly good build. I went 15 and 4 with it, but in my defense my teammates were incompetent. They kept feeding the entire game. Anyways, the build is Berserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Infinity Edge, Runaan's Hurricane, The Bloodthirster, and The Last Whisper. Late game you can trade out the last whisper for something more expensive like the Mercurial Scimitar or the Black Cleaver. You may need to play her a few times before getting good, but she's worth it.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
New Build for the AP Teemo
The build for VI did not turn out well. There isn't enough attack speed to make a difference, and to make it so there is, I would need to sacrifice too much attack damage.
On a lighter note, I thought I would post my ultimate AP carry Teemo build. It is literally the best build I have ever used for him, even the ones online. Make sure if you use this that you get it in this order. It consists of Berserker's Greaves, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, Runaan's Hurricane, Liandry's Torment, and Rabadon's deathcap. This should leave you with about 2.35 attack speed and 300 ability power. Teemo's movement speed is really fast too, so don't be afraid to poke a TON. The only thing you shouldn't do with Teemo is dive, because if you do that, turrets will kill you in about 2 seconds flat. Teemo is really good late game to kill the dragon, AND Baron Nashor. You can solo the dragon, and ruin Baron with about 1 other person. GL and HF.
On a lighter note, I thought I would post my ultimate AP carry Teemo build. It is literally the best build I have ever used for him, even the ones online. Make sure if you use this that you get it in this order. It consists of Berserker's Greaves, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, Runaan's Hurricane, Liandry's Torment, and Rabadon's deathcap. This should leave you with about 2.35 attack speed and 300 ability power. Teemo's movement speed is really fast too, so don't be afraid to poke a TON. The only thing you shouldn't do with Teemo is dive, because if you do that, turrets will kill you in about 2 seconds flat. Teemo is really good late game to kill the dragon, AND Baron Nashor. You can solo the dragon, and ruin Baron with about 1 other person. GL and HF.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Vi's AD Carry Build
Vi is an AD character, and she has an awesome passive attack ability. Basically, every 3 hit does a percentage of the target's health in damage and it has an armor break. The percentage dealt is also increased based on how much AD she has. Because this is based on the fact that she has to hit the target 3 consecutive times, she would need a lot of AS. For this build, I would get Berserker's Greaves, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Ravenous Hydra, Statikk Shiv, Randuin's Omen. This build may be weak on attack speed, but I will find out later this week.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Follow Up on My Life Steal Build
My build ended up going really well. I used Katarina as I said I would, and it went perfectly. I did replace Bilgewater Cutlas with Wriggle's Lantern because it has better stats for less money. Because it is cheap, it also makes an amazing early game item. If the game drags on and you have a lot of money, I would recommend selling Wriggle's Lantern and replacing it with Zhonya's hourglass. With a little tweaking, this build would also work for a character like Teemo or Ashe. For Teemo, you would have to get rid of the AD based life steal weapons, and replace it with attack speed items. Using this method, you create an AP carry life steal build for him. For Ashe, you must do the opposite. Junk the AP weapons and replace them with more AD weapons. It is always good to have a Phantom Dancer as well.
Sidenote: Ravenous Hydra is a melee only item. This will free up space in the Teemo/Ashe builds.
Sidenote: Ravenous Hydra is a melee only item. This will free up space in the Teemo/Ashe builds.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Life Steal Build
So, I had an idea while in school today. What if I could make a build that had so much life steal, your champion was almost self sustaining when fighting. That would be amazing! The problem is finding the perfect champion, and the perfect items. In theory, it should work with Katarina the best. You see, most life steal items also come with bonuses to AD and AP but most champions only have either AP or AD. Kat has both, making her the ideal champion. The items would be Bilgewater Cutlass, Blade of the Ruined King, Hextech Gunblade, Ravenous Hydra, and The Bloodthirster. The 6th item would be Sorcerer's Shoes, because a bonus to movement speed is necessary for Katarina. I'm going to try out this build tomorrow and report my findings on Thursday.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Favorite Characters
So, as I said before, there are different characters to pick in League of Legends. I have a few favorites that I play on a regular basis. My 2 favorite champions are Vi and Katarina. Vi is an AP/Tank character, and I enjoy playing her both ways. My item build for Vi is okay, but not great. Right now I have a problem with a balance between ability power and armor. I have to have enough armor with Vi because she is a melee fighter. I have The Black Cleaver, The Bloodthirster, The Frozen Mallet, Mercury Treads, The Maw of Morius, and Mercurial Scimitar. I feel like I may be able to make the build better by switching out the Mercurial Scimitar for Randuin's Omen, which has a lot of armor and health.
Another of my favorite characters, Katarina, is an AP carry character, which means she can go bot or mid. I like playing her mid, but unless I'm against a squishy character it's very hard for me to get kills and push. On the upside, I don't die trying to save a teammate who pushed to far and got ganked. I can do a lot of damage with her, but like I said if they have too much health they retreat and go heal. This way though, even if i am not getting any kills I can still push while they are healing. Her item build has Sorcerer's Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, Deathfire Grasp, Liandry's Torment, Zhonya's Hourglass, and a Void Staff. I haven't encountered any weaknesses in this build but if I will change the info I put up. If you want to be successful, these builds are always as good as they get.
Here comes VI
by Nikki Taylor
Another of my favorite characters, Katarina, is an AP carry character, which means she can go bot or mid. I like playing her mid, but unless I'm against a squishy character it's very hard for me to get kills and push. On the upside, I don't die trying to save a teammate who pushed to far and got ganked. I can do a lot of damage with her, but like I said if they have too much health they retreat and go heal. This way though, even if i am not getting any kills I can still push while they are healing. Her item build has Sorcerer's Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, Deathfire Grasp, Liandry's Torment, Zhonya's Hourglass, and a Void Staff. I haven't encountered any weaknesses in this build but if I will change the info I put up. If you want to be successful, these builds are always as good as they get.
Here comes VI
by Nikki Taylor
Friday, January 11, 2013
Lane Roles
Now, as I stated previously, there are 3 lanes referred to as top, bot, and mid. The roles in each lane are usually depending on how they do their damage. Top lane is used for the tank and an AP character. AP means ability power, and a tank is a character who can take a lot of damage due to high health and armor. Usually AP characters don't have very much HP, so a tank with them is a good option. Mid is used by AP and AD characters, depending on whether their abilities are good for soloing the lane or not, as they will be by themselves. Bot is the most complex lane in the game. There is usually what we call an AD carry, which is a character who relies on attack damage AND attack speed. Secondly, there is a support character, who is used to almost kill an enemy, then let the carry take the kill. When playing with strangers it is very difficult to get someone to play the support character. People in that game are usually selfish at lower levels, and want to get as many kills as possible. Now the jungler role is not always used at lower levels, but it is almost required at higher ones. Basically, the jungler runs through the jungle killing neutral monsters in a certain order. It goes much deeper then that, but it is very complex and will be covered in future posts. I will leave you with a map of the lane system, to further illustrate my explanation.
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