Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kha' Zix, the Voidreaver

          Kha'zix is an AD bruiser that can go mid, top, bot, AND jungle. This makes him very versatile. Kha'zix's abilities are a claw attack for Q, a ranged skill shot for W, A jump attack for E, and a stealthed movement speed bonus in which he does extra damage (+ even more bonus damage to isolated targets). His abilities use mostly AD scaling and have a unique way of leveling up. Every point he puts into his ultimate, he can evolve 1 ability. If he chooses to evolve claws, his Q ups damage dealt to isolated targets. If he chooses to evolve spike racks, his W shoots in 3 lines instead of 1, and heals him if he is within the explosion radius. If he chooses to evolve wings, his E makes him jump much farther and does more damage. If he chooses to evolve camoflauge, his ult makes him stay stealthed for longer and he can use it a 3rd time. There are only 3 ults, so you cannot evolve all of them. I would recommend evolving spike racks 1st every time, while the other 2 are left up to your best judgement.
          For a nice bruiser build I would recommend using the Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads (Depending on whether the enemies are AD or AP heavy), Bloodthirster, Ravenous Hydra, Atma Impaler, Mercurial Scimitar, and a Sunfire Cape. You can trade out the Atma Impaler or the Mercurial Scimitar for an Infinity Edge if the enemy is AP or AD heavy. On Thursday I would like to try out and publish an ADC build for Kha'zix. I will tell you if it worked or not. For now, here are some pictures of Kha'zix.

This is Kha'zix's only skin, Mecha Kha'zix.


  1. This is good, the only thing I see is it might work, but I don't know if I would say that Kha'Zix can be ADC seeing as how he is more designed as a bruiser or just assassin,not quite what you would be putting him as. But worth a shot.
